The Crafty Side of Life

This is for all things crafty. Knitting, needlepoint, crochet.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Misc Stuff
I am loving Ravelry. It's waaaay too fun ya know what I mean? It was nice to come back from my mini vacation and have my invite.

I was sorting and stuff like that (ick I know) and I came across something that I had forgotten about. I know I shouldn't have because it IS attatched to one of my WIPs but I have gotten waaaaaaaaaaaay tired of the blankie sooooo I forgot. Sue me!

I do appologize about the blurry photo. It's hot and I'm pooped from all my sorting...

This is an empty Vietnamese (I think) Jello Candy container. Another teacher at work brought the jello candies to her students at the end of the year last year. (On a side note they are funny... they look like prepackaged Jello shots! They aren't, they have no alchohol...) I looked at the jar and went OMG can I have it! It looks alot like those yarn holders that they sell at yarn stores, wal-mart and other various places.
It's cool!
I drilled holes into the top and voila! A Yarn Holder extrodinaire!
You can't see it at the top but there is even a handle. :-)

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  • At 6:18 AM, Blogger Bezzie said…

    Clever!!! And way cooler than those yarn jars at Wallys.


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